Well this is 'our' 2nd year in cub scouts. I use the would 'our', since it is truly a family affair. We go to most everything we can and help when we can. I have lead the last 2 den meetings for Austin's group. 11 2nd grade boys can be a challenge, but I think I faired well. The meeting in Nov was the week before Thanksgiving so I had them color, cut and assemble a turkey that held a sign that said "Give Thanks" On the feathers of the turkey, they had to write what they are thankful for. It was a good project and kept them busy and QUIET. (that is something that is hard to do at our meetings.)
I also did our last meeting on Dec. 1st. Our Den leader got called to work during that time..so I helped out. We covered basic info on taking care of cuts, protecting ourselves from germs and from the common cold. We talk about hand washing, too. I let Caitlin be my example of a good hand washer. So she got to pretend to wash her hands. She is awesome at it...very thorough!!! Then we made Christmas cards for Recovering American Soldiers in the Army hospital in Washington DC. I wanted to express to the boys the importance of thinking of others and doing good deeds to those you may not even know. They really got into this and so did several of the parents. I encouraged everyone, including the parents and siblings to help make cards. We had stickers, foam pieces and coloring sheets. We sent 23 handmade cards and 10 colored sheets. I then walked around giving each boy a kit-kat after the project was done. I told them that, "good things come to those who do good deeds for others". Needless to say they were very excited about the chocolate and I hope they learned a good lesson in the process.
If you would like to add the soldiers to your Christmas card list..here is the address:
A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Ave., NW
Washington, D.C.
Then this past weekend we had a orienteering event with our whole pack. Orienteering is where there are flags placed in various spots and labeled on a map and the kids have to tell direction and find these flags within a certain amount of time. Our pack does this every year and it is a blast. Our team won last year and not bad for it being our 1st one. We ran the entire hour we has to find the flags.
This year we split into our teams/dens and they decided to add a sibling pack. So I decided to lead them. (since Caitlin was with them) Well we kicked butt. Our team worked hard found all but one flag and got back FIRST!!!!! We beat ALL the cub scout groups. The 2nd group that came in about 2-3 mins behind us and then the rest of them came in 20-30mins later. We were all dead tired and sweating when we got back, but we won! :-) And NO one found the flag we skipped..so that was good. Of course, did I mention it was only 31 degrees when we started...hehehe we are not use to those temps. We were layered up with clothes, but lost many layers throughout the day. After the flag hunt we had hot dogs and then had a rocket launch. We just watched, since our rocket was lost last year when Dan and his dad took Austin out to do his and they never found the rocket. :-) haha
Now we have a pack meeting this Friday where they get awards and I am making my siblings group a flag to display! :-) We rocked!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Cub Scouting...
Posted by Our family at 1:57 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
So much to be thankful for...
I am thankful for many things. I am thankful for my health and my families health. I am thankful my husband and I are able to provide shelter and food for our children..when many are struggling too. I am thankful for my family and friends love and their important part in my life. I am thankful to live in this country. I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving and are reminded everyday of all the things that are truly important in life!
We have been busy as usual, but with this time of year we get even busier..if that is possible. Dan is working many long days. Getting up early and working at his full steam speed. I swear he never slows down. I only ask him to PLEASE take his lunch and at least take those few minutes to eat to recharge. Of course, he will tell me, "I eat, but it only takes me 10 mins". ugghh!! He is now working 6 days a week and only off on Tues. So it is very hard on the kids. He gets very little time with them and very little down time in general. I think he needs a massage day for Christmas. :-)
Our Thanksgiving was a bit unusual this year. Dan had to work. It was the 1st time Michaels has ever been open for Thanksgiving. He had to leave the house by 4pm and work until 10pm. Lucky for him he wasn't too busy so he got out at a decent time. Of course, Wed night he didn't leave until Thursday morning around 1 am. He worked Friday and his store has been doing awesome ever since. He is suppose to be off for Christmas Eve, since he worked on Thanksgiving, BUT we will see if that actually happens!
Our Thanksgiving was just us and I cooked our own little feast. Caitlin was very sad not to have family around, but with all of our Family out of state it was very hard. We went around the table telling what we were thankful for and it was cute what they said. Austin said he was thankful for his cat Hook and food!! Caitlin said she was thankful for Jesus and mom, and dad. It was sooo sweet. Dan said he was thankful for us all being together even if it was for just part of the day and I was thankful for my above list. All my family!
On Friday, the kids and I ventured the hour drive over to Dan's work (it has been about 3-4 months since we have been over there) and shopped in his store a little and then went to one of the near by malls. OO was that a mistake. It was insane. I didn't do any of that black Friday shopping. It has never been too appealing to me. I went to Best Buy and bought Dan's gift at 8am with the sale price and waited in NO lines. Then I went to Sam's found a better one for the same price, so later I returned the item to Best Buy. I just think it is funny people will go wait in lines (some for a full day) for something they may not even get. I guess that is where my lack of patience comes into factor. I could NEVER stand in those lines. haha
The kids have been getting very excited for Christmas time. We got the Christmas stuff all down from the attic yesterday and Dan set the lights up. (on his only day off) We have been slowly converting over to using LED lights. Dan loves the house to GLOW...so we have a lot of lights. :-) I wrapped a bunch of our pictures on the walls to add to some house decor. The tree will go up sometime this week. The kids have theirs in their rooms and they can't wait for the ornaments to be brought in. They get to decorate their own tree. I have non-breakable ornaments for them and they get to make their own creation. They just think it is soo cool and Santa always brings a special gift to put under 'their' tree. :-) aka Nutcracker for Austin and Caitlin's starting snow globes (but she wants non-breakable/squishy ones ones right now.) hahaha
I am in full on Holiday mode for the kids school. I have planned the party for both of their classes and made outlines..sent out list on items needed to the rest of the class. I am spending a lot of time on the computer and that is partial why I haven't blogged. I am exhausted and try to get other things done. The kids are going to have great parties. :-) I have the crafts all planned and I think the kids will love it.
I also have Sunday school going on. Caitlin is in my class this year..so she loves having mommy as her teacher. We only have 2 more classes until we are done for this year and will start back in Jan. Of course, we are in full prep mode for the Christmas program the kids put on. I am thankful that we have an awesome team planning it this year and the work load for us as teachers is much less. :-)
It is hard to believe Christmas is just a few short weeks away. I am pretty much ready for it. I am done shopping for everyone, but my brother! He is a hard one for me.
Well I think that is about it for now. My mind is overload mode currently. :-) I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving and are preparing for the joy for the Christmas season. Reminder...it is not in receiving that you find joy, but to give of yourself, your time to others in need is when you will feel true JOY!
Posted by Our family at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tag...I am it!!..who is NEXT??
OK I have been TAGGED by Amber http://charlieandamber.blogspot.com/
Here are the rules:
*Link to the person who tagged you.
*Post the rules on your blog.
*Write 6 random things about yourself
*Tag 6-ish people at the end of your post
*Let each person know he/she has been tagged
*Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Okay, coming up with 6 random things about me may be difficult, but here it goes!
1. I am a volunteer freak..I can't say "NO"...or have a real hard time at it. if I do say "NO" I feel guilty afterwards...maybe that is also known as being a control freak. :-)
2. I have a soft spot for those who are ill, hurt, or terminally ill and will do all I can to help put a smile on their face....even those I have never met. This is a very rewarding thing for me.
3. I am a card person. I LOVE cards!! I love sending them and getting them. It takes me a long time to find the perfect card, but I find it! Even if I read 30 of them to find it. So if you get a card from me know it is truly from ME and not some generic meaning. I also have my own lil Hallmark in a drawer. Lots of cards ready to be sent out...ones I bought just cause they were so cute or sweet.
4. I have A.D.D. YES, I admit it and as an adult I am realizing it more so. I, of course, call it multi-tasking instead of ADD. I can do so many things at once and it seems in perfect harmony to me..to others it seems just crazy! Plus I function better and get more done this way! :-D
5. I have a weird thing about not buying the thing on the front of the shelf. You know they saw the newer stuff is always at the back. BUT I will also not buy something that looks like it has been opened or flipped through (book/magazine) Books have to all the pages just right..I can tell if they have been flipped through. hahaha I will pull many things off the shelf and look at the box that is not messed up. Dan just laughs at me and at times asks me, "are you sure you want THAT one?" I do it without completely being aware of it, but he never lets me forget. LOL I am sure this is some weird "~ism" in the pycho books! :-)
6. I drive everywhere. Short or long trips..it is rare for Dan to ever drive when we are together. hahaha I guess that is part of my control nature again...I get it from my dad...blame him..he is the same way! But I have driven to WI, AZ, MN and many other places and he may drive an hour..if that!! I just feel weird sitting in the passenger seat in any car, but the other reason is..I can NOT sleep in the car..never have in all the years we drove cross country for my brothers races. I would stay up most of the way with my dad and only slept when I passed out and couldn't fight it anymore. I guess I am stubborn too. :-)
Let's see who to tag. I do not know many bloggers on here that have not already been tagged. So if you read this tag yourself. hahaha Cindy, Danielle, Dad the Dude....ummm if you read this you are TAGGED! Man that was hard..I need more friends. :-)
Posted by Our family at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Time to slow down and catch up!!
I have been very busy would be a simple way to put it. And I have not taken the time to blog....sooooooo Here we go!! You may want to grab a drink and get comfy!
**I did add pictures to Caitlin's 1st field trip below...so check them out!**
OK Lets see...we will go back to Sept.
Grandparents day!
My parents got early and drove 3 hours to come have some homemade muffins with the kids.
A 30 min total in a very crowded cafeteria. They were troopers and the kids loved it! Here are a few pictures. Now if you know my dad...he is very difficult to get a picture of. I ususally do the SUPRISE attack. Have camera ready and yell "DAD" and as he turns the flash goes off. So needless to say they are not the best of pictures. He was on his best behavior this day! Posed for LOTS of pictures and it didn't kill him. But I am sure it stung a bit. :-)
Caitlin with Grammie
The kids with Grammie and Bobo at school
Later we went back up to school and had lunch with Austin. We wanted to give Grammie and Bobo the full effect of spending a day with the kids. Everyone loved it. Especially the kids. They loved having special guests come to school.
Austin went back to class and we took Caitlin home. This is what she did with Bobo the rest of the afternoon.
This is a 1st for her. She has always been slightly shy around my dad. She was teaching him how to play Mario bros. He probably couldn't see the screen, but he sat there for an hour with her as she explained everything. My heart just smiled at this huge break in her defense. When they left that evening..she was hugging him and not wanting to let go. :-D
Of course we picked Austin up from school. He loved having my parents there for that. I was kind of invisible to them that day! :-) We went to dinner once Dan got home from work and they had to leave to drive back. But this is what I snapped at a red light.
He has Caitlin's scout hat on and acting all the part of a 5 yr old. He was completely obnoxious and getting the kids wound up. I guess it shouldn't surprise me. He turned 53 this past month (Oct. 28th) but he is very much a big kid at heart still! And I am glad for that!
OK now my Race for the Cure in Dallas Oct 18th.
Yes I did 2 of them in 2 weeks. A total of 6.5 miles in 2 weeks. Not bad for my out of shape body! I did manage about the same time at both races..so that was good!
This one Dan and the kids got to go too. They didn't complain too much about getting up at 4:45am and heading to Dallas before there was any sign of the sun. Here are a few pictures:
Caitlin would NOT take a picture with Ronald McDonald....she was excited to see him, but didn't want to go near him. She has always had a fear for "humans" with mask or painted faces. BUT she is ok with the stuffed animals dressed ones. Who knows!!
Teacher Birthday's...
yes both Teachers had birthdays 10 days apart. So I planned and gathered money and we did an awesome group gift for both teachers from their classes.
Austin is giving his teacher 'bunny ears'
Red Ribbon week
Which is a week spent to promoting drug awareness to kids and reminding them to JUST SAY NO!! Well Dan and I had a lot of ties with this at the kids school. We hung red crepe paper zig zag down all the halls in the school and placed red bows on every pillar on the outside of the school and a few on our school sign. It was perfect and more like I remember Red Ribbon week being at school when I was a kid. We also created the posters for our kids class. THe kids colored the things I brought in and Dan and I made the posters at home. THey turned out AWESOME!! Here is a picture of both of them.
2nd grade
We did not win the poster competition. Dan was sad! :-( He truely did a lot of work on these. The tree was all him. I just had the plan and he created it. I lvoe when we work on projects together...even if there is a bit of arguing about the fact that you should measure and calculate before drawing lines :-D. I pulled out the calculator and told him the exact spaces we needed and we had to erase all his lines he already drew. haha
OK I am now a Twilight person..hahah I have had a girlfriend trying to talk me into reading these books for a few months. They are 2 inches thick and all I kept thinking is I have NO time to read that. And wasn't sure I would even enjoy reading something about Vampires. Well I was wrong!
I picked up the book the Sunday before Halloween and didn't put it down. Things were slowing down a bit for me...so I figured I could spend a little time reading here and there. Well I didn't anticipate the addiciting nature of these books (there are 4 or them in the series and an unfinished book online...so 4 1/2 books). I finished the 1st book Monday evening and bought the 2nd book, New Moon . I finsihed that one on Wed evening. I bought the 3rd book (Eclipse) and finished it right as everyone was trick or treating. I made a book run Halloween night for the 4th book, Breaking Dawn (purple hair and all..ooo you will see. The last book is the thickest. It is about 3 inches. I was completely absorbed into this series. I was getting sick..so it was good I did very little and just laid around all day. It is a very easy read and a page turner. I finished the last book on Sunday. So I read the entire series in a week! My house showed it. I am still trying to catch up! :-)
Now my girlfriend, Katy who got me addicited, has also talked me into going to the midnight showing when Twilight comes out in thearters on Nov 21st. I have never been to a midnight show..so this will be a new thing for me. Not sure what the hype is about on seeing a movie before anyone else..but I have to do it at least ONCE! :-)
We love Halloween..it is soo much fun to dress up. Caitlin was a Devil Queen (I got it for $4.50..so I can not complain) and Austin was Commander Cody a Storn trooper from Star Wars. I was a diva witch again! I had purple hair. It was fun!
Caitlin thought I needed a little pet, since I was a witch!
And Austin thought I needed protecting from Michael Phelps (one of our teen age neighbors)
neighborhood kids in front of our house!
Now we have Thanksgiving and Christmas a head of us. It will be an even busier time for me. I will be planning 2 class parties, 2 class field trips, Sunday school, and a sunday school program. I am sure there is more I am missing right now. Dan has to work on Thanksgiving this year for a few hours..so no quick trip to OKC to spend with my family, but we will make the most of it here. I think my mom is coming down, since my brother, Ashley, and dad will be gone.
May your Holiday season be filled with all the things that are important to you. Christ, your family, friends and health.
I will try hard to update more often!! ;-)
Posted by Our family at 9:25 AM 1 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
Time to brag!!!
I have to say I am so proud of Austin. He got a 103 on his spelling test today. As most of you know Austin has a hearing loss. We have to work extra hard with him to get the words down..cause sometime sounding out just doesn't work!! He does a lot of memorizing. He has 20 spelling words and 3 bonus words every week. He has been doing well and had a few in the 90's, but never a 100!! Until today!
We had a deal. He wanted the storm trooper gun that went with his Halloween costume, but we decided if we were buying a costume he would have to earn the gun or buy it himself. We decided on him making a 100 on the spelling test would earn him the gun. He didn't believe in himself and said he never made a 100 and would never make one. :-( It almost made me cry, but I gave him my best pep/I believe in you talks! I was teary eyed by the end of it. I told him he could do it!! I just knew it..well he did!!
After school today, I was standing outside the school waiting for him and he comes walking up with his paper held to his chest. I knew he did great..just by the look on his face. He turns it around and shows me the paper and yells, "I got a 100" I said, "NO, you got a 103!! :-) Yes he got the 3 bonus words right too. This week those words were: magnetism, electromagnet, and poles. He was perfect! Of course as I went to hug him he literally jumped into my arms and wrapped his legs around my legs and I got the full body bear hug!! I had to go show it off to a few of my friends. I was soo proud of him. See hard work pays off!
I called Dan and handed Austin the phone and he told Daddy the good news. :-) Then I called my mom and and Dan's mom to tell them. I guess I was excited!! :-)
So yea for Austin on his 1st (of many) 100's on a spelling test. Now off to find that storm trooper gun and then cub scouts tonight!
I am running my 2nd race for the Cure tomorrow. I am running in the Dallas one! :-)
Posted by Our family at 4:49 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Caitlin's 1st Kinder field trip....KINDA
Well today Caitlin and her class...along with the the other am/pm kindergartens were suppose to go on a field trip to Green Meadows Farm/petting zoo. Well they went...KINDA! hahaha
Getting excited!!
The bus pulled out of the school at 9am and off they went. 2 of my friends loaded up with me and we headed out. BUT not before stopping at one house for a change of shoes and another for a forgotten camera and then a stop for soft drinks for the trip. So we are off!!
I figured we would catch and pass the bus, but never did. It was a good 25-30 mile drive...so I was surprised. We get there and there are NO buses yet. OK so we go and stand with the other parents and one of the other mom's say.."one of the buses broke down." GREAT!!! And yes...it was the one with Caitlin on it. But they also took an odd way of getting there...so no one passed them on the way. The bus pulled off the highway and waited for another one to come. They switched the kids and were on their way. Right before they got there..it started sprinkling and that sprinkle increased until the skies just let loose and it was down pouring. Did I mention we were going to a farm aka outside!!
So the buses finally arrive and they decide to have us all huddle on the bus and eat lunch with the kids. So we ate lunch and watched the rain come down. After an hour, it was time to call the field trip a failure!! KINDA!! The kids did get to ride a school bus on a really long trip. :-)
Do you see the rain coming down :-)
Before leaving, they pulled the bus over to the bathroom and let the kids go potty and then loaded them back on the bus. So they took a field trip to a 2 stall bathroom in Grand Prairie, TX on Joe Pool Lake. HAHA!
The rain did not let up until we got back to the school..where it barely rained! Of course, the teacher told us that she was there until 3pm..so we could leave our kids at school and they would do fun stuff in class..if we had errands to do or something else. I took this opportunity to FINALLY finish my book I have been slowly working on over the past month.
They are hoping to reschedule the trip, but not sure if that will happen. Since the school buses will have to be paid for again. But we will do another fun field trip later. So hopefully it turns out better then this one....even though it wasn't sooo bad...they got to ride a bus!!! :-)
Posted by Our family at 9:53 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Race for a Cure weekend
It was AWESOME!!! Our team raised $15,800! We won the top donations for a team. Believe in Boobs in 1st place hahaha we rocked!! We will all get plaques for our awesome job as a team.
My shoe :laugh:
I drove up on Friday. I had a ton of stuff to do. I met my friend Shantel, her friend Shawna and her mom Carol for dinner and we put together goodie bags. It was wonderful to see her again. We knew each other when we were little girls from the motorcycle races. She is now in treatment for Breast Cancer and just turned 32yrs old 2 weeks ago. She had 5 radiation treatments before we did the Race for a Cure event. She and her family are the reason we won top team. They mad very generous contributions to our team in Shantel's honor!
Our morning on Saturday started at 5am. My mom, cousin, Michele and I stayed in a hotel near our meeting place so there was no 45min to hour drive. :-) We got up had a small bite to eat and then headed to my friend Shantel's house. That was our meeting place. They rented a bus limo for us to ride in to downtown. It was amazing...and we took lots of photos inside. It was very nice of them.
Here is a pic of our team
Then we got down town after a few detours with traffic and blocked roads. There was only 3 of us doing the 5K...Michele (my cousin), Connie (my friend) and me...so we met at the start and started our run. I was sooooo excited. I felt ready to take on the world! The start was insane with that many people. I felt like a sardine. :-) Once everyone spaced out it was much nicer. I did not run the entire race. I walked some...much more then I planned. But I finished in 41 mins. So now I have a goal for my next one. ;-)
After the race they had a survivor ceremony. It was very emotional and inspiring. They had all the women fighting or who survived the disease go around the bases at the baseball stadium. So it was all pink shirts and hat on the field. The number of women out there was just shocking. I cried!
Shantel was our reason this weekend. She is truly an amazing person! Please keep her in your continued prayers as she endures treatments and fatigue that will happen in the coming weeks.
We had lunch after leaving the closing ceremonies. One of the waiters, said we had the "best damn mission statement ever" :laugh:
Our MISSION!!! Save the Boobies
AND we did just that! :-)
Later that night I went out and had a girls night out with my two cousins, Michele and Whitney. In honor of our weekend and our cousin bond...we got 'Believe' tattoos and had lots of fun.
before the race...
before our night out..
Sunday I spent most of the day with my brother, Robbie and Ashely at his house. He hurt his hand at the Pro challenge in Tyler, TX. He ended up dislocating a bone in the hand and fractured the head of the bone. But they said he can race still if he wants or feel like he can. BUT he decided it would be best to get a cast and let it heal.
I guess that is my weekend in a nut shell! HAHA Thanks to everyone for the support! I highly recommend you supporting this great event and jump in and participate in it!! I did and can't wait for my next one.
***an update to that last statement....I am signed up to do the Dallas Race for a Cure on Oct. 18th. Yes another 5K..man I better start losing some weight..haha! I also plan on doing the one in Ft. Worth which is typically held in April. So check out my site and feel free to make a donation. It is tax deductible and a wonderful cause.
I will tell you about Dan's camping trip with the kids later!
Posted by Our family at 7:25 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Austin update
Austin has been doing really good in 2nd grade. I think that has to do with his wonderful teacher he has. Of course, all the hard work his mom and dad do with helping him study. I am sure doesn't hurt either. haha He has made a lot of new friends in class and in the neighborhood. We have some new boys that moved in down the street and they play outside ALL the time.
He struggles with spelling, since he spells how he hears sounds. We had a tough word list last week and we were happy that he made a 73 on it. But later, I found out by several parents that their kids failed it..BIG TIME! So that made us feel even better about the 73. :-) He tries really hard and we work hard at home.
This week we have a meeting to discuss what kind of things we can do in the classroom to make it better for his learning. His hearing loss causes a lot of difficulties in the class room. Especially since most teachers teach from several different places in the room.
He is in cub scouts again this year. We have a very large Wolf Den. BUT the boys really enjoy doing stuff together. Their 1st meeting is tomorrow night.
Posted by Our family at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Caitlin came home one day and told me, "I went to Spanish today". I was kind of taken by surprise, but I thought, "OK maybe they are learning Spanish" But just to be sure I asked her a few questions. Well after a few questions I figured out she met to say Speech. hahaha She goes to speech 3 days a week for 30 mins. She loves her speech teacher, Mrs Williams. She even asked if she could have homework in speech. She is soooooo excited about having speech homework. Of course after the 1st week of class she got a surprise..a flute whistle. OOO and it is PINK! A word she loves to spell all the time for us now. She keeps referring to it as Spanish...I correct her, but she doesn't care. :-D
They have been learning all their colors and how to spell them. So every week she comes home and tells me how to spell new colors. She also loves to write new words all the time. I just love how excited she is about learning. Austin was never this excited!
Posted by Our family at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Mom Song...
I feel like I am moving at this speed some days. hahaha A friend shared this with me...so I am passing it on. :-)
Posted by Our family at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
"Rollie hair mommy"...
Update on the lawn mowing..we had aliens hit the yard... I mowed the yard and it looks great, except for a small strip along the curb. That is where the aliens landed. :-D OOP'S!! Dan did noticed! At least I helped mow!
Monday night Caitlin insisted that she have "rollie hair" like her teacher. We have been down the rollie hair road before. last summer when she decided to cut it short thinking it would make it curly like her 2nd cousin, Cristina. Well that didn't work. But I have now gotten the hang of those little pink rollers. (the soft ones) We had lots of practice with dance recitals. SO I told her after her shower we would roll her hair. she was soooooooo excited. Here are a few pictures of her on Tuesday morning.
Here she is doing a little dance :-)
She is so silly and her curls were still there after school and even stayed until daddy was home. She was so cute and the curls looked better as they softened.
The kids had picture day on Friday. Only 9 days into school and they want more money! hahaha
Of course Caitlin wanted "rollie hair" again. I tried to talk her out of it, but I figured I wanted her happy for her pictures and not sad and crying. So I gave in..no biggie..it could be worse like pink hair or something like that. HAHA
I loosened the curls much more this time around with the blow dryer.
And here is my handsome boy...he is looking more and more like his daddy! (and not too much longer and he will be taller then mommy)
We started back with our Wednesday night routine....going to Church! Our wonderful pastor cooks an amazing meal every week for the congregation. It is not a cafe type of food...It is a full family cooked meal. For $3 a person...we look forward to it every week. One night I don't have to cook and no dishes. :-) The kids eat with the kids club and they do activities and crafts. They have lots of fun too. Dan and I usually work on my Sunday school stuff and talk with fellow church members. This week we decorated my Sunday School room. We got a lot accomplished in a very short time. Sunday school rally day was this past Sunday..so we were on a time crunch. Here is Caitlin and I on our 1st day. She is in my class this year, since she is now a BIG kindergartner.
Of course she thinks she owns the joint since mom is her teacher. HAHA Not too bad, but she did pick out her chair and the color play-doh that would be in the pocket of her seat. :-)
But I am excited for this years Sunday School...I am going to have a great class. Most of the kids I have known since they were 2!
When we came home from church this is what we found on the couch....
Hook on his back laying over a pillow. He must have been comfy, cause he didn't move. He is one odd cat! And not because he weighs almost 25 pounds haha!
Posted by Our family at 4:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Labor Day
We had a veny uneventful relaxing weekend. Dan had to work..so it was just the kiddos and me. 5 days of school and a 3 day weekend. What to do?? We did nothing..that pretty much sums it up. We watched movies, did laundry, played legos, played outside with a few neighbor kids on Saturday. On Sunday, we played outside, I mowed the yard, finished the laundry and then on Monday cleaned and reorganized the pantry, the kids played in the mini swimming pool while I tried to read a book over their loud giggle, and I sprayed the entire outside of the house for bugs. (we have had a few ants pop up in the house) That pretty much sums it up. Nothing too exciting.
Now my brother raced in Houston this weekend and won a new Toyota pickup truck. It was a 4 race series and he WON! The funny thing is when I saw the picture they were at a gas station. I then asked what they give you a new truck but leave it on empty for you. MAN!! Since he got a new truck for his birthday back in May, he plans on selling this one. I believe he already has a few offers. I really wanted to go watch him race, but the 4 1/2 to 5 hour drive just didn't sound much fun to me especially with gas prices going back up almost 20cents this weekend.
Hope you all had a great weekend~!
Posted by Our family at 8:20 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Half way....
We have made it halfway through the week and I have to say I think we are all adjusting well to this school thing. :-) I can honestly say I have not done much with my 'free' morning time, but that is OK. I went to breakfast with my friend Gingin on Tuesday and Wednesday...well lets say I caught up on all the lack of sleep I got at the beginning of the week. I woke up 10 mins before having to go get Caitlin. My nap was suppose to be a relaxing time with the new book I got....I guess you have to open the book to actually read it :-D
I totally forgot to take a picture of Caitlin with her new teacher on her 1st day..so here she is on day 2 with Mrs. York.
Caitlin is loving her class and all the things she is learning. I think she is super smart she is already using sign language at home. They will learn lots of signing in class..letters and words. 1st day they learned restroom..so they can raise their hand with the sign and not disrupt the class. So she is using it at home too. She comes to me with ther fingers crossed..not saying a word and I have to tell her that she doesn't have to ask to go potty at home. hahaha it is so cute. At breakfast yesterday she got up and I asked her where she was going...she looked at me held up her crossed fingers and I said OOOO OK. Wow he have a new language in our house.
Here is the sign I taught her...I love you...As she leaves the car she turns and gives it. It just makes me SMILE!! Here is a picture I caught while she did it the 1st time.
Isn't it cute :-)
Then my big kids walked into the building all by themselves. I sit and wait cause Caitlin looks for me to wave one last time before she goes into the building.
Austin has been a great big brother this week. Helping Caitlin with her backpack when they get out of the car and making sure she crosses the crosswalk.
We had parent-teacher meetings last night and then another tonight. It is going to be a great year! :-)
Posted by Our family at 9:27 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The 1st day.....
Well here they are ready to go to the 1st day of school. Austin being the very protective big brother was giving her lots of advice.. 1) You cross the street with the guard 2) here is how you sing the school song....break out in opera style singing 3) you don't get on red or sent to the principal's office. He speaks of all of this from experience....so he knows HA!
I did not sleep much the night before....I was a tad bit emotional for some reason... I finally fell asleep somewhere around 2am. It must be that my brain is still on Olympic time. HAHA! Then I was woke up even earlier thanks to a cat falling off of the window seal at 5:30am (of course right next to my bed) So I was up. I made a cup of coffee and did more reflection time of Caitlin and her 1st day of school and Austin going to a new room...thinking of all the stuff his teacher needs to know. Oo the joys of parenthood on the 1st days of school. So at 6:30 I grabbed the video camera and put it on night vision (I love doing that) and walked into Caitlin's room. I woke her up telling her it was her 'big day'...it 'finally' was 'here'..she was a 'kindergartner'. she smirked at me then squinted and said "MOMMY...I am still sleepy" Not what I was hoping to capture, but that will work. So then to Austin's room... he was much easier to convince to get up.
They were dressed, eatting scrambled eggs and bacon and it was almost time to go. While I was doing Caitlin's hair these are the things she told me...
"Mommy you don't have to walk me into class I know where it is"
(Are you kidding me...I am walking you all the way to your seat today!)
then "Mommy, daddy can take me to school in HIS car...you can stay home"
(seriously...this child was about to be missing a chunk of hair if she continued...I told her Mommy wanted to be there and take pictures and that I loved her very much)
She then adds, "I am a BIG girl now mommy"
(all I thought is I know I know I know and what I would give for you to be little just for a few more moments.....then i told her..she was a big girl, but she would always be my lil girl forever and we made a deal!)
So it was time to load up and head to SCHOOL
The two of them seriously wanted us to stay in the car and to let them walk up. Here Austin gave another pep talk to Caitlin...Plus a few more RULES! :-)
We entered the overly crowded cafeteria where all the parents were bidding final farewells or maybe they were silent cheers that school was finally back in session. :-D
Here Caitlin is patiently waiting to go to her class
Then it was time to make that walk to her future.....actual school!
We made it to her class and the little lady who didn't want anyone there was all the sudden ok with us being there...No she didn't hang on Dan's leg begging for him not to go, but she wasn't shoving us out the door either.
I helped her with her name tag...just to make sure she didn't poke herself with the safety pin. :-)
Mommy's BIG little girl.. :-)
Then all the sudden she realized that she was not sitting at the table with her friend, Kaden (blonde boy behind/side of her in white with green stripe shirt) She was sad...sat her head down and I was afraid she might cry. But she just sat like this for a bit....maybe she was a bit overwhelmed or nervous
Then the almighty Daddy gave her a pep talk and all was right in her world again. OF COURSE!
We then LEFT! Kind of.. we then went to Austin's room to check on him...see it is much different when they have been there done that and in 2nd grade. hahaha
Here is Austin and his new teacher Mrs. Harlow
We then made a trip to the Tear and Cheer meeting for the parents of kindergartners...there was nothing special here...mainly donuts and more of a sense that parents were cheerful. I was hoping for a sweet poem or something like my friend, Danielle got, but nothing. They sold us on the reasons to join the PTA and that was about it. We chatted a bit and then finally left the building to go have breakfast without kids. :-D Denny's here we come! Afterwards I was wondering how Caitlin was doing and all the fun new things she was learning. It was almost time to go get her already... and I had done well..not a single tear.
Here she is being set free....
She was very happy and came to ME 1st and gave me a big hug...then went to Daddy. It usually Daddy 1st and then a 'hi' for mommy. So this was great.
Let's go Daddy
She SURVIVED and so did we. She told us about all the things she did and that she sits at the green team rable and what color table all her friends sit at. I think she is going to have no problem making friends, since she has previously met over half the class already from various places over the past 2 yrs.
Well day 1 down and many many many more to go. We get to this everyday.
Posted by Our family at 12:14 AM 2 comments