We had a veny uneventful relaxing weekend. Dan had to work..so it was just the kiddos and me. 5 days of school and a 3 day weekend. What to do?? We did nothing..that pretty much sums it up. We watched movies, did laundry, played legos, played outside with a few neighbor kids on Saturday. On Sunday, we played outside, I mowed the yard, finished the laundry and then on Monday cleaned and reorganized the pantry, the kids played in the mini swimming pool while I tried to read a book over their loud giggle, and I sprayed the entire outside of the house for bugs. (we have had a few ants pop up in the house) That pretty much sums it up. Nothing too exciting.
Now my brother raced in Houston this weekend and won a new Toyota pickup truck. It was a 4 race series and he WON! The funny thing is when I saw the picture they were at a gas station. I then asked what they give you a new truck but leave it on empty for you. MAN!! Since he got a new truck for his birthday back in May, he plans on selling this one. I believe he already has a few offers. I really wanted to go watch him race, but the 4 1/2 to 5 hour drive just didn't sound much fun to me especially with gas prices going back up almost 20cents this weekend.
Hope you all had a great weekend~!
A BIG update is in order.....
13 years ago
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