I have to say I am so proud of Austin. He got a 103 on his spelling test today. As most of you know Austin has a hearing loss. We have to work extra hard with him to get the words down..cause sometime sounding out just doesn't work!! He does a lot of memorizing. He has 20 spelling words and 3 bonus words every week. He has been doing well and had a few in the 90's, but never a 100!! Until today!
We had a deal. He wanted the storm trooper gun that went with his Halloween costume, but we decided if we were buying a costume he would have to earn the gun or buy it himself. We decided on him making a 100 on the spelling test would earn him the gun. He didn't believe in himself and said he never made a 100 and would never make one. :-( It almost made me cry, but I gave him my best pep/I believe in you talks! I was teary eyed by the end of it. I told him he could do it!! I just knew it..well he did!!
After school today, I was standing outside the school waiting for him and he comes walking up with his paper held to his chest. I knew he did great..just by the look on his face. He turns it around and shows me the paper and yells, "I got a 100" I said, "NO, you got a 103!! :-) Yes he got the 3 bonus words right too. This week those words were: magnetism, electromagnet, and poles. He was perfect! Of course as I went to hug him he literally jumped into my arms and wrapped his legs around my legs and I got the full body bear hug!! I had to go show it off to a few of my friends. I was soo proud of him. See hard work pays off!
I called Dan and handed Austin the phone and he told Daddy the good news. :-) Then I called my mom and and Dan's mom to tell them. I guess I was excited!! :-)
So yea for Austin on his 1st (of many) 100's on a spelling test. Now off to find that storm trooper gun and then cub scouts tonight!
I am running my 2nd race for the Cure tomorrow. I am running in the Dallas one! :-)
A BIG update is in order.....
13 years ago
ConGrats Austin! Hey my name is Jeff Kobiske, and I have a grandson named Austin Kobiske too!
You can see his pictures at our famialy web site kobiske.com I love your blog and its great to know theres some other kobiskes out there that seem normal. Thanks Jeff Kobiske Sr. (there's three of us)
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