Friday, August 8, 2008

Block Party!

We had a block party last weekend for one of our neighbors who are moving. They have been the best and organized most our get togethers. So we will miss them. Now we have to try to keep it going. We also have new we got to welcome them in with a nice get together. I planned this party. It turned out great. The invite everyone loved. We rented a margarita machince..which has been a tradition for our cul-de-sac parties. :-) Here is the Big Cypress crew

I made flour bombs (knee highs filled with flour) for the kids to have a good time with. And they did! Along with a few adults...aka Dan! :-) Later the adults would find one and smack each other with it. Needless to say the cul-de-sac was a whiter shade. :-) here are a few pictures. One it looks like it is snowing from so much flour flying!

We had a lot of fun.

Now here is a funny picture of Caitlin

Austin and Jake (one of the boys I am watching this summer) playing Mario brothers. They made paper mustaches and even built a fort in my formal dining for the club house. They were very funny doing this. :-)

Here is a picture of Puffy saying her bedtime prayers. I just thought it was cute the way she was sitting with her feet together. >^..^<
here with her pretty eyes

Caitlin's new hair cut..I promised it to blogs ago...sorry!

Here is a picture of my new haircut and color. We added a lot of low-lights so it is darker, but some of the dark color has already washed out. Gotta love blonde hair it doesn't seem to keep dark color very least for me. OO well I like it!

Now I need to go finish getting everything ready for our mini trip to Oklahoma City. YEA! We are going somewhere for our last vacation days. The kids start school in two weeks and then I start teaching Sunday school again. So this will be one of our last free weekends. My parents are out of town, but we will stay with my brother and visit with them and some of our friends up there. So off to the OKC! :-)
Love you all!


Danielle said...

Looks like a lot of fun. It's so nice to have neighbors you like huh? Love the hair too. I know I've already told you that. Hope you have/had fun in OKC.