Sunday, July 13, 2008

My tests

I got the culture results back and it turns out I have a bacterial infection in my breast...odd I know. So I am on antibiotics. All my blood work came back good minus having a high calicum level. Of course she 1st asked me if I was on a daily vitamin or calicum supplement. And I am thinking to we go.I am going to get yelled at!! NOPE She said good..don't take any. WOW!!! that is a 1st to hear from a doctor! They are not sure why my levels are high and they are not sure if the bacterial infection would cause it. So I get to go back this coming friday and be their pin cushion again for them to do testing. I have done some online looking about high calicum I am hoping for a normal test this week. I heardly ever go to the doctor and here I have been to the doctor, had a mammogram and get to go back to the doctor again..all in 2 weeks. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts.

Speaking of prayers...Dan uncle Gary was in a motorcycle accident yesterday. He moved to miss a car and fell to the ground breaking his leg and getting some road rash too. He is expected to have a full recovery. So that is good!

WOW I just did 2 posts in ONE night!! :-)


Cindy said...

Ok your not alone on the Calcium thing! ME TOO! Back in 2003 when I was having kidney stones and had them for 2 years, I finally went to an Uriologist and he did hundreds of tests on me and it took him looking at an x-ray to see excess calcium on my ribs, so he tested me and thats my problem! But I never drink milk and hardly have dairy, but it is in all the fresh veggies I eat ALL the time, but then I was taking vitamins because I was a health freak, and they were doing more harm then good! So now you know somebody else! But now I am fine! I had it all checked last Fall! And it does not even show up on xrays now. And I am so glad you only have bacteria ;) Funny how that happens! It gets carreid through the blood to every place in the body!