Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July and some needed thoughts


Happy 4th of July from our family to yours....God Bless American and YOU!

Now on the needed thoughts and prayers. I am having a diagnostic mammogram next friday the 11th. We did a whole blood work up yesterday (I was stuck 3 times before they finally struck blood hahahah) and breast exam. I have had some issues over the past few months...yes I waited a little long to go to the doctor, but I finally this will hopefully all come back to be nothing, but it is better to be cautious. I wasn't going to say anything about it until after I found out what was going on,but I figured a few extra prayers or thoughts wouldn't hurt. Thanks and love you all! ~Cherie

WOW I am on a roll...3 blogs in 3 days!!! :-) I am doing good so far in July!!


Danielle said...

I will definitely be praying for you. Be sure to let me know what you find out. Love you girl