Monday, December 8, 2008

Cub Scouting...

Well this is 'our' 2nd year in cub scouts. I use the would 'our', since it is truly a family affair. We go to most everything we can and help when we can. I have lead the last 2 den meetings for Austin's group. 11 2nd grade boys can be a challenge, but I think I faired well. The meeting in Nov was the week before Thanksgiving so I had them color, cut and assemble a turkey that held a sign that said "Give Thanks" On the feathers of the turkey, they had to write what they are thankful for. It was a good project and kept them busy and QUIET. (that is something that is hard to do at our meetings.)
I also did our last meeting on Dec. 1st. Our Den leader got called to work during that I helped out. We covered basic info on taking care of cuts, protecting ourselves from germs and from the common cold. We talk about hand washing, too. I let Caitlin be my example of a good hand washer. So she got to pretend to wash her hands. She is awesome at it...very thorough!!! Then we made Christmas cards for Recovering American Soldiers in the Army hospital in Washington DC. I wanted to express to the boys the importance of thinking of others and doing good deeds to those you may not even know. They really got into this and so did several of the parents. I encouraged everyone, including the parents and siblings to help make cards. We had stickers, foam pieces and coloring sheets. We sent 23 handmade cards and 10 colored sheets. I then walked around giving each boy a kit-kat after the project was done. I told them that, "good things come to those who do good deeds for others". Needless to say they were very excited about the chocolate and I hope they learned a good lesson in the process.

If you would like to add the soldiers to your Christmas card is the address:
A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Ave., NW
Washington, D.C.

Then this past weekend we had a orienteering event with our whole pack. Orienteering is where there are flags placed in various spots and labeled on a map and the kids have to tell direction and find these flags within a certain amount of time. Our pack does this every year and it is a blast. Our team won last year and not bad for it being our 1st one. We ran the entire hour we has to find the flags.
This year we split into our teams/dens and they decided to add a sibling pack. So I decided to lead them. (since Caitlin was with them) Well we kicked butt. Our team worked hard found all but one flag and got back FIRST!!!!! We beat ALL the cub scout groups. The 2nd group that came in about 2-3 mins behind us and then the rest of them came in 20-30mins later. We were all dead tired and sweating when we got back, but we won! :-) And NO one found the flag we that was good. Of course, did I mention it was only 31 degrees when we started...hehehe we are not use to those temps. We were layered up with clothes, but lost many layers throughout the day. After the flag hunt we had hot dogs and then had a rocket launch. We just watched, since our rocket was lost last year when Dan and his dad took Austin out to do his and they never found the rocket. :-) haha
Now we have a pack meeting this Friday where they get awards and I am making my siblings group a flag to display! :-) We rocked!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

So much to be thankful for...

I am thankful for many things. I am thankful for my health and my families health. I am thankful my husband and I are able to provide shelter and food for our children..when many are struggling too. I am thankful for my family and friends love and their important part in my life. I am thankful to live in this country. I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving and are reminded everyday of all the things that are truly important in life!

We have been busy as usual, but with this time of year we get even busier..if that is possible. Dan is working many long days. Getting up early and working at his full steam speed. I swear he never slows down. I only ask him to PLEASE take his lunch and at least take those few minutes to eat to recharge. Of course, he will tell me, "I eat, but it only takes me 10 mins". ugghh!! He is now working 6 days a week and only off on Tues. So it is very hard on the kids. He gets very little time with them and very little down time in general. I think he needs a massage day for Christmas. :-)

Our Thanksgiving was a bit unusual this year. Dan had to work. It was the 1st time Michaels has ever been open for Thanksgiving. He had to leave the house by 4pm and work until 10pm. Lucky for him he wasn't too busy so he got out at a decent time. Of course, Wed night he didn't leave until Thursday morning around 1 am. He worked Friday and his store has been doing awesome ever since. He is suppose to be off for Christmas Eve, since he worked on Thanksgiving, BUT we will see if that actually happens!
Our Thanksgiving was just us and I cooked our own little feast. Caitlin was very sad not to have family around, but with all of our Family out of state it was very hard. We went around the table telling what we were thankful for and it was cute what they said. Austin said he was thankful for his cat Hook and food!! Caitlin said she was thankful for Jesus and mom, and dad. It was sooo sweet. Dan said he was thankful for us all being together even if it was for just part of the day and I was thankful for my above list. All my family!
On Friday, the kids and I ventured the hour drive over to Dan's work (it has been about 3-4 months since we have been over there) and shopped in his store a little and then went to one of the near by malls. OO was that a mistake. It was insane. I didn't do any of that black Friday shopping. It has never been too appealing to me. I went to Best Buy and bought Dan's gift at 8am with the sale price and waited in NO lines. Then I went to Sam's found a better one for the same price, so later I returned the item to Best Buy. I just think it is funny people will go wait in lines (some for a full day) for something they may not even get. I guess that is where my lack of patience comes into factor. I could NEVER stand in those lines. haha
The kids have been getting very excited for Christmas time. We got the Christmas stuff all down from the attic yesterday and Dan set the lights up. (on his only day off) We have been slowly converting over to using LED lights. Dan loves the house to we have a lot of lights. :-) I wrapped a bunch of our pictures on the walls to add to some house decor. The tree will go up sometime this week. The kids have theirs in their rooms and they can't wait for the ornaments to be brought in. They get to decorate their own tree. I have non-breakable ornaments for them and they get to make their own creation. They just think it is soo cool and Santa always brings a special gift to put under 'their' tree. :-) aka Nutcracker for Austin and Caitlin's starting snow globes (but she wants non-breakable/squishy ones ones right now.) hahaha
I am in full on Holiday mode for the kids school. I have planned the party for both of their classes and made outlines..sent out list on items needed to the rest of the class. I am spending a lot of time on the computer and that is partial why I haven't blogged. I am exhausted and try to get other things done. The kids are going to have great parties. :-) I have the crafts all planned and I think the kids will love it.
I also have Sunday school going on. Caitlin is in my class this she loves having mommy as her teacher. We only have 2 more classes until we are done for this year and will start back in Jan. Of course, we are in full prep mode for the Christmas program the kids put on. I am thankful that we have an awesome team planning it this year and the work load for us as teachers is much less. :-)
It is hard to believe Christmas is just a few short weeks away. I am pretty much ready for it. I am done shopping for everyone, but my brother! He is a hard one for me.
Well I think that is about it for now. My mind is overload mode currently. :-) I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving and are preparing for the joy for the Christmas season. is not in receiving that you find joy, but to give of yourself, your time to others in need is when you will feel true JOY!